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I have been making the same old recipe of my spaghetti for 10 years ( no wonder, I have mastered it, geez!!!). I am quite glad, my friends and family were all kind and generous enough to praise my spaghetti. I would want to cook for all people I meet personally or virtually. So, here is the treasured recipe, passed on to me by an old friend.
400g pasta (of your choice)
2 cans of 380g spag meat sauce (can go with mushroom or sausages)
1 can condensed milk
1 bottle of sweet - spicy katchup
2 cups tap water
1/4 kg ground beef
diced garlic
diced onions
diced bell pepper (green is better to be distinguished from the sauce)
2 tablespoon oil
salt/pepper/seasoning to taste
Pasta -
1. Boil to cook your pasta. (Read the cooking instructions of pasta, PLEASE. Dont overcook or undercook it as you will taste disaster!)
2. Rinse the pasta with a tap water and drain. Separate it in a clean bowl.
Sauce -
1. Saute garlic, onions in an oil in your big pan.
2. Mix your ground beef with pinch of salt, pepper and seasoning into your pan. (This will make the meat tastier and less stink-smelling)
3. When the meat is brownish in color, mix your meat sauce, katchup, 1/3 of milk (lesser or more depending on your desired taste) and water. Bring to boil.
4. If the consistency seems ok and the taste seem better, you may add salt and pepper to your taste.
5. Separate now the cooked sauce in a bowl or you can mix this with your pasta.
VOILA! Dig in then! Let me know if you get this recipe right, if not, dont bother hahahahah!
You may want testimonies of this great sweet-spicy-yummy pasta, you can link to Jhonkie and Tammy( they are family, just an added info).