Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Best Friend's Wedding

The Wacky Emcees (they wished, they didnt give us the mic! LOL!)

The gang in the newlyweds house! Posed again!

We are indeed bestfriendsof the bride, our presence would never really be forgotten. LOL!

More Poses!

And More!

Here are some of the pics of the wedding of one of my childhood best friends. We had great fun while my other best friend and I took the center stage as emcees. I was quite nervous at first but as the program started, anxiety faded and only bluntness prevailed. Hahahhahaah! I was even reprimanded by my bestfriend to stop talking. In between talks, we had to pose for our pics that is why I was all laughing the whole time. My, I really had great fun that night.

I sure miss them all and wish to see them again. Perhaps, when Carol, the newlywed gives birth in March, the gang can be complete again.


