As a Filipino, I have witnessed over the years and through stories of my grandparents how caring, family-oriented, extravagant and sweet Filipinos are.
One of the dominant traits of us Filipinos is our close - knit relationship with families even to strangers. We seem to call every oldie, " lolo/lola" or grandpa/grandma and elder, " Ate/Kuya" or big sister or big brother. This comes very natural for us even if we go to market places or big malls! We just respect our elders too much that even in our older age, we still get our reprimands!hahahahhaah!
Extended Family is very normal to us, Filipinos(picture from
With this very close relationship, we get to live under the same roof even if we age and have our own individual families. Somehow, our grandparents live with us or even cousins who play their own fair share of help in the house.
Holidays and big days are not at all important unless, the entire clan is there! This could be very economically impractical, but we seem to manage through finances and still enjoy the occasion for whatever is prepared.
Happy or gloomy occasions have made Filipino families bond together. I can say, we are indeed one big family. No wonder that even those who are already in abroad, working or otherwise, they would still wish they are with their families. I have known several loved ones who simply grow old, single and all, simply because they cannot abandon their folks.
This culture is so special to me that I opted to stay with my parents, build my own house just next to our old home, so my kid can grow up, knowing his grandparents and aunts and appreciate family more than anything else.