Friday, May 29, 2009

We Shall Be on Store Exhibit Again

We want our store to be known that we put our efforts to it. We personally work on the marketing and sales and choose stocks we personally love to wear.

But, we have only a limited store space that we maximize its area well. For one, I need a table top display where I can highlight the fashion accessories, books and some perfume. I need a chic, affordable and portable top display that I can just carry whenever the store goes on a trade exhibit.

This coming July, we will soon join in the mall trade show exhibits and we will be needing flexible display racks, tables and some catchy table covers. There some table covers that are just disposable but pretty enough to attract some customers.

I personally believe that if I want my products to be purchased, I have to first and foremost, make sure that they are displayed well and appropriately in a conspicuous place that they may get positive impression among potential buyers.


