Friday, September 3, 2010

How to Deal with Multitasking

Women are quite known for their adeptness to multi-task and across cultures, women play a quite significant role at home and in the community. And as such, it can't be avoided that they too can feel all drained, dragged and beaten.

As a woman, I play these major roles: mother, wife, businesswoman, teacher, and blogger; and, I can say that 24/7 sched is definitely not enough.

But, how do you actually deal with multi - tasks or roles?  The most practical way is to manage your time and to set your priorities.  Normally, whatever is immediate is done first and if I am in our store, I get to work on my paper works as a teacher first, then attend to business needs in between. Delegating other tasks is also a key to lighter works.

When family duties are called for, I normally do these before and after store, blogging comes last when everyone else is all settled and done with their needs.

Of course, I get to do the things I love: watching movies, reading and jogging.

I guess whatever the roles we play, we simply make sure that we are comfortable with it and it brings us joy.


